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Movie Info:Click Here
Anime-inspired direct-to-DVD anthology film. Comprised of six short stories, from diverse creators, including Academy Award-nominated Josh Olsen (A History of Violence), Batman Begins writer David S. Goyer, and comics scribe Brian Azzarello. It's planned for a release window of two to four weeks prior to the release of The Dark Knight, and would bridge the gap between Batman Begins and The Dark Knight.
[Movie Title ]….[ Batman: Gotham Knight
[Release Year ]…[ 2008
[iMDb Rating ]….[ 7.3/10
[Genre ]……….[ Animation / Action
[Runtime ]……..[ 01:15:59
[File Size ]……[ 300 MB
[Resolution ]…..[ 832*544
[Aspect Ratio ]…[ 1.529:1
[Subtitle ]…….[ English
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