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Movie Info:Click Here
In south Florida, a high school counselor is accused of rape by a manipulative rich girl and her trailer trash classmate. The cop on the case begins to suspect a conspiracy and dives into an elaborate and devious web of greed and betrayal to find the truth.
[Movie Title ]……………[ Wild Things Unrated
[Release Year ]…………..[ 1998
[Genre ]…………………[ Crime | Mystery | Thriller
[Language ]………………[ English
[Runtime ]……………….[ 1:54:47
[Frame rate..................[ 23.980 fps
[Resolution ]…………….[720 X 352
[Video C ]……………….[ x264
[Audio C ]……………….[ Nero AAC
[File Size ]……………..[ 500MB
[Subtitle ]………………[ None
[Container ]……………..[ Matroska
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