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Dated Released : 17 March 2010
Quality : DVDRip
Info :
Runtime : 105 min
Starring : Romain Duris, Vanessa Paradis, Julie Ferrier
Genre : Comedy | Romance
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* Join filenya dg hjsplit, caranya baca di sini
ADMIN [cinema3satu] 13 Jan, 2011Download Files: part1 - part2 [400MB-mkv]|eu
[subtitle menyusul]
* Join filenya dg hjsplit, caranya baca di sini
The bulk of the story takes place in Monaco. The plot is centred around Alex, his sister, and her husband, who operate a business designed to break up relationships, but only where the woman is 'not knowingly unhappy'.
They are hired by a rich man, who is a florist, and possible gangster, to prevent the wedding of his daughter. The problem is that they only have 10 days to do so. The task is further complicated because the couple appear to be in love and absolutely perfect for each other. They also could not find the usual 'flaws' in the couple that they are used to looking for in couples to break them up. Alex, massively in debt through his own lavish spending on the business, is pressured into putting aside his honourable principles to complete the seemingly impossible job. While on the job, he finds out things that she likes, and he in turn pretends to like these things as well to impress her... some of these things include— Dirty Dancing, blue cheese, and George Michael.
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