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Movie Info:Click Here
Something has gone wrong at a remote scientific research station on Mars. All research has ceased. Communication has failed. And the messages that do get through are less than comforting. It’s a level 5 quarantine and the only souls allowed in or out are the Rapid Response Tactical Squad – hardened Marines armed to the teeth with enough firepower to neutralize the enemy…or so they think.
[Movie Title ]………[ Doom
[Release Year ]……..[ 2005
[iMDb Rating ]………[ 5.2/10
[Genre ]……………[ Action | Adventure | Horror | Sci-Fi | Thriller
[Runtime ]………….[ 01:52:43
[File Size ]………..[ 500 MB
[Resolution ]……….[ 1280*544
[Aspect Ratio ]……..[ 2.35:1
[Subtitle ]…………[ Yes
[Container]…………[ Matroska (.mkv)
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