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Movie Info:Click Here
[TITLE]…………………….[ Rakht Charitra 2
[DIRECTOR]………………….[ Ram Gopal Varma
[RELEASE DATE]………………[ 3 December 2010 (India)
[FORMAT]:…………………..[ Matroska (MKV)
[GENRE]:……………………[ Action
[NO OF CDs]…………………[ 1
[FILE SIZE]:………………..[ 550MB
[RESOLUTION]:……………….[ 720x320
[LANGUAGE ]:………………..[ English
[SUBTITLES]:………………..[ Not Available
[ORIGINAL RUNTIME]:………….[ 02:22:01
[RELEASE RUNTIME]:…………..[ 02:22:01
[ENCODER]:………………….[ ShAaNiG
[SOURCE]:…………………..[ 2cds DVDscr
[iMDB RATING]:………………[ 6.6/10
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