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Dated Released : 23 June 2010
Quality : BRRip
Info :
Lihat : Trailer
Starring : Adam Butcher, Shane Kippel, Mateo Morales
Genre : Drama
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* Join filenya dg hjsplit, caranya baca di sini
ADMIN [cinema3satu] 22 Dec, 2010Download Files: part1 - part2 - part3 [450MB-mkv]|eu
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* Join filenya dg hjsplit, caranya baca di sini
Dog Pound had a huge effect on me unlike most films that have come out in the past couple months. You start to really feel for the characters and their issues also everything during the movie goes along smoothly. Every actor worked their role correctly and, in my opinion, perfectly. If people just truly gave a couple seconds to be down to earth with these juniors, just for once put yourself in their own positions, many of the problems in this film could of had a much better outcome. Great story, great action, and just overall a good watch. This is a must see for everyone who has the stomach and the mind set. These actions are actually happening today and needs to be solved.. but sadly I may not see it in my years.
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